Twelve Angry Jurors

I think if they did a remake, they should include women and name it Twelve Angry Jurors. I can picture Jennifer Love Hewitt portraying Juror # 8 (the leading dissenter). I can also picture Juror # 7 being portrayed by a young woman (stuck-up, snobby, plays with her cell phone, wants to get out of there so she can go shopping or to a concert). Juror # 3 or Juror # 10 could be portrayed by a middle-aged woman (the other being portrayed by either a middle-aged or elderly man).

Feel free to provide your own gender-mixed cast.




I completely agree......................

with desifir667.

"Make like that's a nipple"John Bernard Books



I totally agree with remaking it and including women thus making it"Twelve Angry Jurors". My English Lit class in high school read this play one day and I will never forget it. Although it was remade in 1997?, it is sad that a number of those giants are no longer with it. I read that it was a personal project by Jack Lemmon and he picked the cast wisely with a mixture of veterans and newcomers who were just getting started in their careers. A fine thing to have on their resume'. Well done everyone.


would the introduction of a woman be to further this already great story/movie, or just to give female actors a job when they do the 4th remake :-)- ?

hey, re-reading, i agree full.. number 7, just wants to get out, i see what you're saying here, and i agree. a remake should think about what we are thinking, indeed.

a 42


I agree with the notion of including women, but why change the name? '12 Angry Men' is the title of the work, and is itself a reference to the old expression used to refer to juries in the time before women were permitted to serve, 'twelve good men and true'. Clearly there would be a conflict between accuracy to the contents of the film/play and faithfulness to the original work, and under normal circumstances I'd probably vote for accuracy, but this is no ordinary work and so in this instance I'd say faithfulness must win the day.


good idea


There are rewritten versions of the published stage play out that allow for it to be called "Twelve Angry Women" or "Twelve Angry Jurors", much like Neil Simon's female version of The Odd Couple. I've never seen it performed like this, so I wouldn't know. (It seems to me that most productions of the stage play put it in the original 1957 time period so they can keep it an all-male cast.)


When I was in high school, circa 1965, it was put on as a school production. And they did in fact call it "Twelve Angry Jurors". I don't remember how many girls were in the cast. Obviously it couldn't have been chosen for a high school production if girls were excluded.



Heh, that's exactly what my school's doing.

Spectacular Spider-Man... and no four!


Let's be honest, they included a lot of black men to make it look more modern but the modernization just doesn't work on many levels.

The odds of a jury without one woman in the 1990ies are ridiculously small but they didn't want to change the title.

I can picture Jennifer Love Hewitt portraying Juror # 8 (the leading dissenter)

Yeah you know nothing about acting, it's ok.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
