Is it coming back?

Is it coming back? Last week they had a marathon on Disney Channel and I assumed that they were going to show it again. Why haven't I seen a hide or hair of it since then?! What's the point of having a marathon if you aren't going to show the actual show anymore? Unless they show it at like...3 in the morning like they do with the other good shows.

Sir, you are both ungallant and defficient...




Well, I'm replying to your post a little late...well a lot late. But I don't think it's ever coming back. The creators of Disney Channel have gone beserk and I don't think they are ever going to bring it back....EVER!

Life is sad, I have nothing left to say!




damn i wish




Yeah its not the same, Disney owns them yes. Its just the canadian version of the disney channel. Dinsey channel is better though lol. but we get all their stuff like 2 or 3 years to late its probably the most frustrating thing ever lol.

Summer: oh no strictly ganja yeah what’s from the earth is of the greatest worth
