Would YOU have shot the German?
In the final assult on San Juan Hill, there were two notable times when enemy troops surrendered. The first was a Spanish soldier, the second a German soldier. Now, I can understand shooting the Spanish soldier. He might have been more loyal to the enemy than he was putting on, and could have killed a soldier or two as he was going through American territory, or otherwise sabotaged their efforts. Plus, it didn't look like there were a lot of people behind him, so it'd be hard to keep an eye on him as he was taken into custody. But shooting the German soldier after they'd used him seemed a bit too unfair to me. First, he was definately a mercinary, wheras the Spanish soldier might have real loyalty towards the cause. Second, the battle was nearing a close, and they could probably tie him up until troops were freed, or spare an extra soldier or two to watch him. And third, he was nice enough to help them without struggling too much, and his life seems to be the least he deserves.
Now I know that soldiers have their discretion in wartime of whether or not to take a prisoner, and neither soldier was particularly important, but still, I think if I was there (though I'm glad I wasn't), I would have spared the German's life. Would you have done the same, and if so, why?