Any favorite quotes?
There are so darn many good quotes in this movie, does anyone have a favorite?
shareThere are so darn many good quotes in this movie, does anyone have a favorite?
share"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" Battle cry as the American troops charge over the hill at the first trench.
That always makes my heart pound and my chest swell with pride. I'd give just about anything to be in a moment like that.
Will you be so kind, Mr Crane, with your camera, to take a picture of this regiment on this glorious hill, for we will always live in its shadow.
It's been awhile since I saw it (am partway thru a rental of disc 1 now) but I believe later in the series there is a scene with Stephen Craine, as a war correspondant, wherein he stumbles out of the woods in a stupor during combat and states to some nearby soldiers, out of the blue, "I'm a drunk and an opium addict and I don't give a damn". Only during a 19th century, late victorian, "splendid little war" could something like that happen, and seem in place!
shareMost of my fave lines were uttered by Fightin' Joe Wheeler, from "I wouldn't worry about them Southern folk 'cause if there's anything we like is a good fight" to whenever he called the Spaniards "Yankees". I particularly liked the scene where he singles out that deserter by saying "This man is a deserter...He should be tried ,{levels his pistol} and he should be executed!!"
Beyond him, the exchange between Bucky, Blackjack Pershing, and Pershing's 1st Sargent when Bucky offers refreshment "a toast...between fighting men..." to both was pretty cool.
My signature. Also Indian Bob's line before the final battle:
"What are you thinking about now?"
"Naked women."
I haven't had a horse shot out from under me in thirty years... Still a thrill!
When Henry Nash returns to the battle of San Juan Hill Roosevelt says "Nash, splendid behavior." Always love that, very 19th century. I also like when Stephen Crane says, "Any American would give an arm to see this." And when Senator Hannah tells Roosevelt, "We'd be at war with half the world if you were President."
Frank: Just a man.
Harmonica: An ancient race.
Private Tiffany trying to explain his father's purchase of a bunch of machine guns...
Roosevelt: Is this going to be a long speech, Tiffany?
Roosevelt and the flag bearer charge the hill on their own. Roosevelt freaks out and yells at them.
"Sorry sir, we couldn't hear you."
I also like Wadsworth Sr. line after his son has told him about joining up:
"Life is hunger. Life is anger. Life is pain and dirt. Your grandfather knew life. He didn't recommend it. That's why we're rich."
And the exchange between 'Fighting Joe' Wheeler and Secretary of State Hay:
Hay: General, you were one of the finest cavalry officers in the Confederacy.
Wheeler: [shakes his head] Let me tell you something... Bedford Forrest had 32 horses shot out from under him, but he killed 33 Yankees.
Wheeler: Forrest was better!
Frank: Just a man.
Harmonica: An ancient race.
Perhaps its a truism but it still a great quote: Bucky O'Neil is explaining the nature of war to his civilian trooper. He says "Wars an argument! Best way to win the argument is to kill the other fellow." Very 19th century American west but as far as war is concerned very apropos even today's sanitized versions of war.
shareI agree.
I also like when Marshall says to Crane, "I read your book" and Crane says something to the effect, "Did you like it?"
Marshall: "Almost as if you'd been there. Which you haven't"
Crane: "I shall try to do better next time."
Marshall: "If there is a next time."
Frank: Just a man.
Harmonica: An ancient race.
My favorite quote was when one of the Buffalo Soldiers tells Roosevelt that "it will be ok " after the vicious fighting on San Juan Hill. Roosevelt replies that "It will never be the same ".
God, what a movie!
Teddy, describing President McKinley-
"The President has the backbone of a chocolate eclair."
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
My favourite is when Marshall asks Crane if he can help and Crane replies, "Can you recommend a good bordello?"