Favorite Scenes

There are many great scenes in this movie, here are my favorites

-Bucky O'Neill telling G Troop about the slaughter of the Aztecs under Cortez, great acting and very moving.

-The men leaving for Florida at the train station, moving scene, the song "Gary Owen" was perfect for the scene.

-When Henry Nash robs the stagecoach at the beginning, clever acting.

-Henry Nash and the Buffallo soldier going back to there units at the Battle of San Juan Hill.

-Bucky O'Neill's death, again this is very moving.

What are your favorites?


The whole scene with Nash and Indian Bob setting up Wadsworth with the unrideable bronco.


yeah, that was a great one. any others?


I always thought it was funny when Teddy trips over his saber and asks the journalist Marshall to hold it, then later he asks Marshall where his saber is and Marshall stutters and says "I must have left it"; Teddy kinda looks astonished and dismayed while Woods is yelling for him to advance.
I just think it's funny.

I love it when Nash and the Buffalo soldier decide at the same time to leave the hospital and then meet up with each other at the end.

Although the scene is sad, it is at the same time humorous--when Tiffany is shot and Teddy is left running down the hill by himself and he turns around and says something like, "Why am I the only one running?!?!"

Don't spend your life climbing the ladder, only to find that it's leaning on the wrong wall.


When the train taking the RR to Florida is passing through the south, and the old confederate soldiers in their uniforms stand at attention to watch them pass...


When Sgt. Pershing (Buffalo Soldiers commander) got his men pumped up to rush the hill...

"Buffalo soliders... this is what they pay you 13 dollars a month forrr!!!


Absolutely my favorite scene with the old Confederate soldiers saluting the train. Can't watch it too often tho, because my allergies act up.


Roosevelt at the dinner party towards the beginning is probably my absolute favorite scene. Tom Berenger is hilarious and I love Ileana Douglas's verbal sparring with the Frenchwoman ("Feel free, fall right over!").

All of Gary Busey's scenes as Joe Wheeler, particularly his confrontation with the Union Colonel ("You'll forgive me if I tell you Atlanta wasn't my fondest memory") and his attempted summary execution of the Sergeant who runs from the battlefield screaming that Wood is dead. Also the scene where he makes pig squeals while asking where Roosevelt's chef got the "fresh hog" for his stew is hysterical.

The officer's meeting before the final battle, especially O'Neill's toast: "May we all be killed, wounded or promoted."

Stephen Crane and Edward Marshall watching the charge up San Juan Heights together is extremely moving and well-acted.

George Hamilton's scenes as Hearst, particularly his reaction to the Maine explosion ("WAR!") and his argument with Remington over the accuracy of his reporting ("Shut up and finish your painting, Freddie!").

"They don't shoot you for being a Republican in America."


I like after Bucky O'Neill's death the men start singing 'The Minstrel Boy', just a wonderful song and very moving. I like how the 'The Minstrel Boy' becomes part of the soundtrack in an instrumental version while showing the men hunkered down.

Also when Pershing goes back for orders Wheeler says "Go ahead Kick 'em in the teeth" and Wheeler's son says he's joining the fight and Wheeler says he's proud of him and then, about Pershing "What did I say to that man?"

And when the colors are unfurled when the assault on San Juan Hill begins always gives me goosebumps. Roosevelt saying, "Unfurl the colors" and the music kicking up is very emotional.

Frank: Just a man.
Harmonica: An ancient race.


I always get choked up with the capture of San Juan Hill, where Roosevelt says "It will never be the same ".


Watched this in school ha! Probably when they fought the Germans who had machine guns on the hill. Barely remember, should rewatch.
