Fighting Joe Wheeler
He apparently realy did exclaim "We've got the damned Yankees on the run!" upon hearing of the Spanish retreat at Las Guasymas.
Source: "Until The Last Trumpet Sounds", page 54, Gene Smith.
Wheeler and Pershing did meet in mid stream while on horseback. Pershing stopped his advance to give the old General a full and proper salute. It was not General Wheeler who gave Pershing the order to attack the heights.
Fighting Joe's next assignment, again with Pershing, was in the Philipines during the Moro Uprising,aka "The Philipine Insurrection". General Wheeler was leading a column of infantry through the jungle when one man fell out complaing of the heat. General Wheeler put the Infantryman on his horse and Fighting Joe shouldered the man's pack and rifle all the way to their destination. He was in his 70s by then.