MovieChat Forums > The Practice (1997) Discussion > "did anybody hate Eleanor?"

"did anybody hate Eleanor?"

Yeah, I did but not as much as Eugene's ex-wife. She showed the bitch that she was during their custodial hearing, her face looked like a maggot infested cunt. I hate women like her and there are plenty of them in this world.

As for Eleanor, she cut across as a sad figure, someone who was a loser but jealous of others who were better than her. She had this sense of entitlement and it was Bobby's mistake to make her a partner.


Wow. Women issues much?

Eugene bugged me because he was sanctimonious. Actually, most them were, but he seemed especially so because deep down I think he despised himself for the creeps he defended. No one's horse is higher than the fellow in denial. His ex knew he hated himself for the creeps he defended, and I think she wanted him to become a prosecutor or possibly get out of law altogether. "And become what?" he yelled at her at one point. Well, he used to be a P.I. But I wouldn't suggest he be an actor because he doesn't have any talent for it.

Eleanor wasn't the cookie-cutter vision of cuteness that the rest of the women on the show were. She could have gotten a corporate client -- which came after HER because of HER reputation -- but the other partners voted her down because getting rapists and murderers out on the street so they could do it again was much more "noble" than defending a corporation. The Self-Righteous Gang rides again. She wasn't a loser, and was often the voice of sweet reason.
