Suffer The Little children SO6 E08
At last an episode not relying fully on self righteous outbursts.
Lovely Lindsay seeking for some state acceptance of a wrong allowed for an emotional ending to a thread in the episode. This is a surprise to know that wrongly convicted people get no recompense yet I would hazard a guess that correctly convicted people get loads of money if a guard looks sideways at them. Especially if Eleanor is on the case. However he would have been of no interest to a few of this practice as his innocence had been established.
The man with the learning disability and knowing of his shortcomings shows he was not all that 'retarded' [an awful word]. His acting was not that brilliant but the situation did cause a sense of emotion here.
The other thing that took me by surprise is that Eleanor did not rush out of the hospital when she learned of the name of the youth who had knifed the police's chief suspect. Here was someone who would really need her assistance. She should have advised her present clients they should say nothing more to incriminate the client she was now seeking to aid.