MovieChat Forums > Midsomer Murders (1998) Discussion > Just watched 'Last Man Out' (spoilers).....

Just watched 'Last Man Out' (spoilers)....

....And as soon as a "referendum" was announced I instantly knew what the result of it was going to be - particularly as it was essentially tradition verses (supposed) progress! Mmm subtle. Or not.

Let's just say I think we can confidently deduce what the episode's writer voted for in last year's Brexit referendum.... 

Indeed, my cynicism was surely validated by the last scene with Barnaby concluding that it's silly to 'live in the past'! Message received and understood.

Regardless, I felt this was one of the better episodes of the current - and recent, generally below average series, not least because of Jones returning!

My only real gripe/s was that it was pretty implausible for the murderer to impale the second victim to a tree with a cricket stump given her slight and aged physique. Ditto her somehow having the strength to string Jones up at the end.

The Bond villain-esque 'mastermind' behind the match fixing seemed pretty unlikely too come to think of it but other than that, pretty good.


That said what are your opinions/observations of the episode?


I agree it's a better one, though some parts of it feel a bit preposterous, and hope Jones could make more than one return.
