Just watched 'Last Man Out' (spoilers)....
....And as soon as a "referendum" was announced I instantly knew what the result of it was going to be - particularly as it was essentially tradition verses (supposed) progress! Mmm subtle. Or not.
Let's just say I think we can confidently deduce what the episode's writer voted for in last year's Brexit referendum....
Indeed, my cynicism was surely validated by the last scene with Barnaby concluding that it's silly to 'live in the past'! Message received and understood.
Regardless, I felt this was one of the better episodes of the current - and recent, generally below average series, not least because of Jones returning!
My only real gripe/s was that it was pretty implausible for the murderer to impale the second victim to a tree with a cricket stump given her slight and aged physique. Ditto her somehow having the strength to string Jones up at the end.
The Bond villain-esque 'mastermind' behind the match fixing seemed pretty unlikely too come to think of it but other than that, pretty good.
That said what are your opinions/observations of the episode?