(Johny after swallowing a giant diamond) "Uhmm Zarconium, the other white meat!"
(Johny) "Ah Carl, I thought that you said we were going to see major babes." (Carl) "I didn't say "major babes" Johny. I said "majoris babium", a rare species of plankton."
(Johny reading through evil cook book) "Let's see, the wings of a bat... I'll use pickles. The eye crust of a lizard... I'll use raisons. And a shriveled weasel paw. (John opens cabinet and finds weasel paw) Hey, there's one left!"
Those were just a few, I have many more! In addition, Does anyone remember "government meat"? That would always crack me up.
My favorite one is when Johnny is on a jury and yelling at the court saying " He's out of order, she's out of order, this whole court is out of order, the candy machine is out of order". Was there anything I forgot?
The episode in which johnny becomes a spy to find out a lost doll, was the best one and was full of such quotes. Like the one when he goes to a park and starts discussing about another cartoon with a girl and rebukes the child who says that he know who have the doll. In the same episode, he bullifies a person who is simply giving answer, without even noticing that he says he is willing to answer. http://www.kittoo.bravehost.com/my_love.html