Red loveseat

Has anyone else seen Persuasion? The red patterned loveseat at the Musgrove house is ALSO in this version of Emma!! My roommate and I watched them both yesterday and we burst out laughing when we noticed it. I don't remember exactly which scene the loveseat is shown in Emma, but in Persuasion it's when Anne first comes to visit Mary and Charles, and all the different family members are asking her to address this and that with each other...Charles at one point flops down next to Anne on the loveseat. Has anyone else noticed this??


Hmmm... I didn´t noted it... but I noted that the Persuasion´s view (at the begining of the movie) of the house´s hall from the inside to the outside, is quite the same in Emma...
Anyway, buth movies rocks!
Greetings from Buenos Aires!


I did notice the love seat. I was pleased to see that they recycled the furniture.
