That dialogue doesn't take place at Box Hill, it takes place at Randalls (the Weston home). It's part of Emma and Frank's discussion about Mr. Dixon, and how he preferred Jane's playing on the pianoforte to that of his finacee.
EMMA: Proof indeed! But wasn't Miss Fairfax embarassed at this...preference of Mr. Dixon's? And did he perhaps -- prefer her in other ways too?
FRANK: I -- I really cannot say.
EMMA: No -- who can tell what Jane Fairfax is feeling? She is so very reserved.
Frank smiles, as if he knows just what she means.
EMMA: I could never attach myself to anyone who was so completely reserved --
FRANK: No. There is safety in reserve, but no attraction. One cannot love a reserved person.
Cited from Andrew Davies' script, printed in the book The Making of Jane Austen's Emma by Sue Birtwistle & Susie Conklin (p. 110).