MovieChat Forums > Emma (1997) Discussion > Perfect Cast Combined

Perfect Cast Combined

If you could combine and choose actors for your perfect cast from both films, who would you choose?

This is my perfect cast (although a couple I struggle to decide on!)

Emma Woodhouse - Can't decide, both portrayed wonderful Emmas in different ways.
Mr Knightly - Again same as above, both portrayed wonderful Mr Knightlys in different ways.
Frank Churchill - KB version
Jane Fairfax - KB version
(However, for F and J in the GP version, it's not really their fault as they were given minimal screentime)
Harriet Smith - the KB version was more how I pictured Harriet
Mr Elton - GP version I think... might have to watch them both again 'cause I remember liking the other one a lot as well...
Mrs Elton - GP version
Mr Weston - KB version
Mrs Weston - GP version
Miss Bates - Like Mr Knightly and Emma, I loved both of the Miss Bateses!


I think the complete oposite, only two people were well casted, frank and harriet, as for the rest, they lack of passion and chemestry, I didn't enjoy much this version, wasn't romantic at all and emma was a real disapointment.



Emma Woodhouse - GP version (no contest here, GP was a more likeable Emma)
Mr Knightley - GP version (same reason as above)
Frank Churchill - KB (Ewen McGregor seemed too old in this role, and don't get me started on his hair!)
Jane Fairfax - toss-up (not enough screen time in either version to have an opinion)
Harriet Smith - KB-Samantha Morton seemed to be suitable as Harriet
Mr Elton - GP version
Mrs Elton - GP version
Mr Weston - GP version
Mrs Weston - GP version
Miss Bates - toss-up
-having watched both versions recently, the casting of this role puzzled me exceedingly- exactly how old was she supposed to be in the book anyway?

Final note, I know we're not discussing endings here, but did anyone else think that the ending in the KB version went on too long?


Emma - KB version, she's not supposed to be likeable, even Jane Austen herslf said "I fear no one will like her, but myself."
Mr Knightly - either version.
Frank Churchill - Def KB, I love Ewan, but he wasn't right for this role.
Jane Fairfax - KB, Olivia's beautiful voice wins her the part in my heart
Harriet Smith - KB, The Harriet in GP version seemed to old and not naive or sweet enough.
Mr Elton - not fussed either version
Mrs Elton - GP version, the Mrs Elton in KB version has an awful west country accent.
Miss Bates - KB version, Prunella is a ledgend! She's perfect for this role.


Emma - Kate Beckinsdale

Mr. Knightley - Mark Strong

Frank Churchill - I really thought both Ewan McGregor and Raymond Coulthard were believable, albeit with markedly different portrayals, although I didn't feel there was chemistry between Gwenyth Paltrow and EM (or GP and JN, for that matter).

Jane Fairfax - again, both Polly Walker and Olivia Williams seemed to understand and project the character well

Harriet Smith - Samantha Morton

Mr. Elton - both were good, but Alan Cumming seemed to show more of Mr. Elton's weakness, which would leave him vulnerable to marriage to a woman like the eventual Mrs. Elton

Mrs. Elton - another where both Juliet Stevenson and Lucy Robinson offered great performances; the former's seemed a little more understated (and less of a caricature), and therefore probably my choice, although LR's West Country accent made her that much more easily disliked!

Mr. Weston - James Hazeldine (seemed more compatible with GS's Mrs. Weston, although James Cosmo and SB were a believable couple)

Mrs. Weston - Greta Scacchi and Samantha Bond were both good choices; Greta Scacchi's interpretation of Mrs. Weston's intelligence and composure, and somehow her voice, were more evocative of the Mrs. Weston I imagined from the book

Miss Bates - another instance where both Sophie Thompson and Prunella Scales really nailed the role; they both managed to make her something more than a cartoonish figure.

Overall, I thought the casting and acting was quite good in both movies, but I greatly preferred the screenplay/interpretation of the Kate Beckinsdale version.
