MovieChat Forums > Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) Discussion > What was your opinion on the group's sta...

What was your opinion on the group's stand against Buffy? I couldn't pick a side.

In season 7's "Empty Places," do you think everyone was right to stand up against Buffy? I was equally torn. Yes, she was reckless, and yes, she took her eye off the ball, but could they have moved forward without her? I'm curious about everyone's opinion.


No they were wrong. And Spike was right when he called them sad, sad ungrateful traitors. They'd been dealing with the First and its games all year, taking an offensive posture may not have worked out well for them, but that didn't make it the wrong call. Also, when you consider comparing Caleb to someone like, say Glory...both were powerful, but only one was proven to be invulnerable. And they didn't kick her to the curb when they were facing off against a Hell God.


I always thought they were stupid to go against Buffy.


They were wrong. Basically they were an army who were happy to play soldier and have the cool title of slayer and all but when it came down to actually going to war and taking a hit and possibly even dying they didn't want a bar of it.


They were very wrong.

Firstly, they claimed to want to be a democracy but then instantly fell in line behind Faith. Secondly, they claimed Buffy's plan was dangerous but Faith's plan got kids killed too (so what was the difference?).

Ultimately, they had a bad loss and it gave rise to all the resentments about Buffy they'd all built up over the years (plus the principal was still butthurt about her relationship with Spike).

I never quite understood what they were trying to say with this episode. I guess it demonstrated that Spike was the only one who had total trust in her but beyond that, I never understood it.


The wannabe slayers were a bunch of dumb girls who were jealous of her powers. It was inexcusable from the original group tho. Totally out of character. Then again, so was much of what happened that season.
