MovieChat Forums > Ally McBeal (1997) Discussion > What the show got wrong about ''career w...

What the show got wrong about ''career women'' especially lawyers...

Women who work in high positions or for the government are very sure of themselves. They are nothing like the ''Ally'' character. They are typically aggressive, confident and more often than not on the heavy side. You will never find an Ally type women -- extremely thin, flighty, desperate for a husband and child and insecure working in a law firm. There are certainly women like ''Ally'' but they sure as hell are not found working in these places. You're more likely to find them employed in clothing stores, tanning salons or a secretary job.


You will never find an Ally type women

I disagree with the word "NEVER"


not 30 years ago


Wow, this was 30 years ago (almost 28 years ago that it aired).
I can't get my head around that. The 90's still feel like just a few years ago to me.
