I recorded it off tv last night but it missed out the last ten or so minutes: when it stopped it was about 5 minutes into the courtroom scene, and the captain was just saying how he had to take responsibility. Can someone tell me exactly what happened after that please. Any help appreciated
You really should rent it and watch. It has quite a moving final scene and music. If you want to know the ending though, it is below -> -> -> > > > > > > > The parcel that Chuck gave Frank the night before the court was the bell from the ship. Frank starts ringing the bell in the courtroom just as the skipper is leaving, about to give up. It kinda shows the unity and belief of the crew, like when Ryan Philippe's character rang it for Frank as he left the boat. The skipper doesn't lose his licence but doesn't go back to sea.
By the way, were you watching it on ITV, I was taping it too.
thanks. yeah, i did record it from ITV. i doubt i'll rent it - it was a decent film (though not amongst Scott's best by any means) but, even if it is hard to say it about a film based on a true story, it just seemed a bit Hollywood/melodramatic, despite the very emotional subject matter.