Whatever Became?

At the end of the film a brief synopsis says how three of the young survivors went to Vietnam & that they all returned safely.
Does anybody know what became of them after that though (or any of the others for that matter?).
Did they all go on to live well adjusted happy lives?


Do an Internet search and you might find something on them. Find out their names and look it up. Sometimes they have biographies about them.

~ Fingernails on a chalkboard equals an Internet troll.~


I recently went to a watching of the movie with the author/survivor.
At the Q&A session afterwards he said that for about 30 years they didn't talk to each other. Then in the early 90's, about the time the movie was about to be made, he called up every one that was left. If I remember the captain (before he died), the author, and Tod (there might have been more I dunno?)were at the reunion. Franke refused to come. So the meeting helped them deal with the issues they had been living with.


The issues they have been living with?? You mean the issue that they killed the dolphins. I hate them. I hope they die. Why is this a real story. Don't watch this movie its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD. DOLPHINS DIE!


Yes *A* dolphin died and it's just a movie and it was done for dramatic purposes. I don't watch that part but I still like the movie.

Spiders eat Internet Trolls...


No, and nobody cares. Hopefully the Vietnamese realized what little bastards they were for killing dolphins and imprisoned them. I hope anyone who watched this movie goes blind, including myself, I already have.


i love you, tombo352001.


I do hope you realise that it being a true story, and that only one of them atacked a dolphin, your condeming the entire crew to eternal condemnation is a little bit over the top. It would be like imprisoning someone for witnesing a crime, kind of like a dictaitorship maybe. Of course maybe you would like to live in a dictaitorship and be able to steamroller every subject with your own one dimensional view of the world. Maybe not.

On a lighter note, it's on ITV right now, and I'm pleased to say that I'm watching it and enjoying it, and will now watch it through to the end (see how repression doesn't work. Also I'm slightly tipsy). they're in that sceene with the party now where they're having that dancing thingy.


Yeah im watching it on itv aswell.

Adios Eduardo Gori Guerrero Llanes.
1967-2005. Latino Heat now burns inside us all.


I for one an very glad that someone attempted to shut "I hope everyone goes blind" up. There is a point when one must realize that movies are simply that. They are the telling of stories both fictional and non-fictional. This story happens to be, for the most part, a true story. The scene with the dolphin, though I do not know if it is fictional or not, is a symbol for the rage and pain inside Franke. The fact that the Skipper must "Finish it." is better for the AUTOMATED (as in ROBOT) dolphin. It is already dying and is in pain....he puts it out of it misery, so that it doesn't die a ... slow ........ and .......... painful .............. death. It is also a lesson for Franke, which shows him the true consequences of what he has done.

I have seen this movie several times both at home and in school. I think it is a wonderful movie. We have watched it several times in my Psychology classes and each time I see more and more into the mental status of each character. You can learn much more about yourself and others, if you could be grown up enough to pay attention and read into the characters emotions and responses to different situations. It's a little better than simply screaming "DOLPHIN KILLER", running into your corner to hide, and only popping your head out to condemn people who actually have a multi dimensional mind.

Thanks for your time,


Chuck Gieg lives on Nantucket. He is a really great guy.


