Great Movie

I first saw this movie at a sailing camp I went to when I was 11 or so (I'm 18 now) and even then I loved it. It's an excellent movie and Jeff Bridges is amazing as the Skipper. Also, everytime I think of this movie, it brings back fond memories of that camp. I'm definitely gonna have to watch it again soon.

007 [Regarding Max Zorin] - We played bridge together...He lost. (Everything or Nothing)


Totally agree great movie


I love this movie! It's what got me into sailing (despite the fact that the people died) :o)


People who have a fascination with life on the sea almost always love this movie. I can't swim worth a damn, otherwise I would have loved to have been on a ship like in this movie. I thought this was an excellent movie too. Wish it was on Blu-Ray.


Yeah i want a special edition with all the extras on blu ray


It is so underrated. Bridges is awesome and the scene in the courtroom at the end is sooo touching.. and blu-rays a scam.. it looks fine the way Ridley filmed it.


I think it is highly underrated. This was a GREAT movie. I laughed, I cried, and I furrowed my brow. What more can you ask for?


Very underrated. Really enjoyed this movie, especially at the end. Jeff Bridges performance was once again PERFECTION!


Its my fav movie. Makes me cry everytime i watch it.


Unfortunately for me, this is one of those films I loved when it was first released; having just watched it now, it's Ridley Scott's most conventional film, and could really have used some judicious trimming. The courtroom scene at the end reminded me of both Scent of a Woman and Dead Poets' Society, and made my toes curl into nearly foetal positions ( "Shame on you, Skipper!" Aaargh!). This film is from the man who gave us Alien and Blade Runner?? Shame on you, Ridley.
