'Get on Bored'????

When the Cubans leave the ship their leader says "BORED" (as in this is boring)

Has anybody else noticed this?


No I don't know what you mean. Are you sure it doesn't mean "board" the ship?

Spiders eat Internet Trolls...


That's what I asked my daughter. She speaks Spanish quite well. But she says no. He says it like "Get on, I'm bored" . So I thought "Like he's not excited by this" You know as in "he's bored" But she says its said differently. She's 15 and wil all the boys in that movie she oesn't like it just because of that one line. AAAGGHHHHH Teen agers. But I LOVE the move.



and you're smart?


The Spanish word for 'BORED' is 'ABURIDO'.
The Spanish word for 'ON BOARD' is 'A BORDO'.
They could sound kinda similar, but I'd need to see the scene again to know what he actually said.


That would be ironically funny if he said "Get on, I'm bored" in Spanish as the film looks pretty boring and conventional.

Full disclosure: I haven't seen this movie and probably won't.


Therefore you should have kept your mouth shut instead of trying to be a smartass.

