Remains of the Day Lunchbox

Does anyone know if it is possible to get a remains of the day lunchbox? I know this sounds like a corny fake post, but I'm serious. I really would love to have one if it is possible to get it somewhere online or something!!! Please help!

"My spoon is too big."


I'd guess that it was made by the props department just for the film.

...and that's all I have to say about that.


Just as i had assummed.

"My spoon is too big."


You could easily make one because, as we all know, kids don't usually like eating lunch at school, but a lunchbox like that would make then a whole lot happier.

...and that's all I have to say about that.


I was thinking of making one, actually. It would be fun!

We have the bats, the big bats.


What about "EBay"?


Yeah, seriously. I want a Remains of the day lunchbox, too.
How would one go about getting one?
We should just approach a company, I mean, there's a demand for the things, because everyone who'se seen Waiting for Guffman may want one.
I know I do.

Marines, we are LEAVING! Cpl. Dwayne Hicks, Aliens


I was going to say Ebay also...since CG mentioned it many times in the commentary when talked about all those props created especially or the movie.

I'm not trying to be just always works out that way.


It was of course a movie prop and not a real commercially made lunch box, but one could be made fairly easy, get 2 photos of whatever you want, and then one of those cheap blank lunchboxes and some glue and an x-acto knife and you are all set.

someone may already be doing this on ebay, bootleg lunchboxes, anything that will sell is likely on ebay, at least until the ebay police catch it...LOL

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Norman MacFinan


How about the 'My Dinner With Andre' action figures?


lol I'd love one of those too, and a Judy Tenuta t-shirt!


Priceless! Love this film.

"I did cramps the way Meryl Streep did accents" - Calliope (Middlesex)


Actually...if you find a good model builder, they'd be able to make you one. Might cost ya a couple hundred bucks tho. Or more.

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


Shoot, with all these people requesting a Remains of the Day Lunchbox and My Dinner with Andre action figures, Christopher Guest should get some made on a per order basis and he'd probably be able to fund his next movie! Lol!


Love this thread, Those were such great jokes, that I'm sure a lot of people didn't forget. We should make up some similar merchandise!


I got one! How's about a Remains of the Day or Schindler's List "home edition" board game! Or even a video game for the Xbox or Playstation! Too much?!
