I recently went to a lecture where the lecturer's main theme was that people spend so much time entertaining themselves (tv, movies, xBox, etc.) that they don't contribute much to the arts. He pointed to the lack of excellent writers compared earlier times. A man in the audience became upset and interrupted, saying that our little art colony (small town of 10,000) had a huge number of very talented writers.
Is my little tourist town truly the world center of prose and poetry? Maybe it's just pretty good for a small town.
I think this movie is about everyone who was in a really good community theater production, wrote a meaningful poem, had a long philosophical talk with another 20 year old.
People with very limited experience might think that was the best cheese and gravy covered fries EVER! It's up to them to decide if they should only eat cheese and gravy fries for the rest of their lives, or maybe go seek other experiences.