Is there any adjective to describe the type of sense of humor we have to enjoy these movies that Christopher Guest makes? I'm talking about Spinal Tap, A Mighty Wind, Best in Show, etc. I LOVE those movies, but many times my close friends and relatives "don't get" the humor. That's okay, but I would love to watch one of these movies with somebody who does "get it." I personally think if you like these type of movies, you are superior in intellect.
I don't have an answer, but I agree with your question-- and your suggestion that people who "get" Guest's approach seem to be intellectual, and for whatever reason strongly captivated by the high level of nuance, detail, and complexity in the films.
They really do seem to inspire a hot/cold, if not love/hate reaction.
FWIW, I purchased a three-movie Guest DVD set several years ago: "Waiting for Guffman", "Best in Show", and "A Mighty Wind". I only did so because the price was right, and I'm a Harry Shearer fan.
They didn't "take" right away; I only watched part of "Guffman", and liked "A Mighty Wind" at first mostly because of the subject matter, i.e. that it was a send-up of the '50s/'60s commercial folk music boom. (I was a few years past 50 at the time.)
I eventually forced my expatriate egghead older brother to watch "A Mighty Wind" during a visit to the US, and his reaction was lukewarm.
But then much later, he stumbled upon it again and it all "clicked"; he e-mailed me enthusiastically about it, and even asked me if this was the same film we'd watched during his visit.
So I re-watched "Wind" and this time it "clicked" more for me too. Then I watched the other movies and was hooked; I was amazed that I didn't "get it" the first time around. My brother ended up watching the other Guest movies too, and we both finally got around to watching "Spinal Tap", which we'd never seen.
We were like religious converts, and eventually tried to share the "Guest" experience with my sister and brother-in-law; they are educated and intelligent, and like films and comedies, but are not "thinky" intellectual types.
It was a bust. During a vacation weekend, they sat through "A Mighty Wind" but when my brother and I put on the "Guffman" DVD my sister's eyes glazed over and she eventually left the room.
"I know you guys like this kind of stuff, but I'm not into that kind of humor," she commented. For her it was "case closed".
Incidentally, over the years my sister has expressed a different outlook even with sitcoms we both like, like "Seinfeld". She is put off when I analyze or criticize inconsistencies and weak points; she accuses me of "overthinking" things or being "obsessed with details".
To her, the whole point of comedy is that it's something you enjoy with your brain in low gear-- or "park".
It's the flip side of her reaction to the Guest movies; for whatever reason, she doesn't seem to get a charge out of hilarious nuance and detail, and on the other hand she's not bothered or put off by sloppy or nonsensical material.
So I don't have an answer, but I hope it helps to know that there are people who have the exact same experience as you have. I too would like to find people besides my brother who "get it", because it's great fun to watch Guest movies with people who do.
Oh, my gosh, I wish you WERE my little brother! You said everything so well in your post. I gave a person I thought would get it the DVD of "A Mighty Wind" as a Christmas exchange present. I never heard a word from him about it afterwards, so I can only assume he DIDN'T get it. (Sigh) I hope they keep making these type of movies, but even if they don't I can watch them many times and still laugh and catch things I missed. Thanks for the great reply!
I would agree with you, holchie, as I love Guffman, "Wind" and Best in Show - and in that order.
I would also love for them to keep making them, but only if they are inspired. I saw For Your Consideration once, and I've been reluctant to see it again. If I didn't love the cast, I'm not sure I would have even given it a thumbs-up.
I know what you mean, but I think that it's a little too self-congratulatory to imply that liking something is a sign of superior intellect.
Someone can get something without liking it. I happen to love this and the other Guest films (Well, For Your Consideration kind of bombed for me)but it's possible to see where they're going and what they're spoofing and still not care for it.
I remember seeing this type of discussion on the "Borat" boards. While I respect SBC's talents, I did not care for the film for a variety of reasons. There was nothing there that I did not get. But, I heard from a lot of people - and read a ton of reviews from critics - who seemed to be so proud of the "fact" that they were in on the joke, and hence superior to both the targets of his pranks and those who didn't care for the film.
In short, I think Guffman is far superior to, and has much more heart (and possibly, intellect) behind it than, the Borat movie, but the principle remains.
people are best friend of 40 years is a brick layer,,he cant stand the coen brothers or altman,or movies like thank you for smoking or magnolia..on the other hand ,he was crazy about babette's feast..he can talk for hours about movies like sling blade and dancing at lughnasa,but never really "got" kubrick.. i love guest and his troupe,but different strokes for differnt folks..