Aspect Ratio
I used to own this on DVD not too long after it came out and I had the version with the commentary and hayden music video and all that. I sold it to make a quick buck several years ago.
This morning, I found a copy used for $5, so I picked it up to watch it again without looking too closely at the packaging.
Once I got home, I discovered that I had stupidly purchased the "full screen" version. I suck.
SO my question is, what format was this film originally shot in?
IMDB says 1:85:1
The case to the version I bought says "Formatted from its original version to fit your screen" BUT, it also says "PRESENTED IN THE ORIGINAL 1:33:1 FORMAT IN WHICH THE FILM WAS SHOT."
Does anyone know if this is true? Was the film shot in 1:33:1 or 1:85:1?