Why Were They...

...so excited about 16,000 pounds? Split 4 ways, that's only four thousand each, and they had already PAID four to get the stuff. I know it's better than nothing, but they acted in the pub like it was "set up for life" money. It would've made more sense (for the film) if they got something closer to retail price, which could be $100,000 per kilo or more. They could've gotten at least 16,000 pounds PER kilo. But then, movies aren't always logical.


You have to realize these guys were heavy addicts. Who had to steal and rob just to get the next hit. $4000 pounds is probably like a million bucks to these guys.


The fact that they were addicts who were always stealing to feed habits mean they would be getting through plenty of money on gear all the time. Many junkies need to find hundreds of pounds a week to feed their habit. Renton's job, even if it was low level, was probably paying his share of the deal - a 3k profit - in a few months. We know he's managed to save two thousand. For the amount of money, even if he stole the bag on on the spur of the moment to get away from his past, wasn't enough to leave a well-paying job and have Begbie as a sworn enemy and never be able to go home to see his family or Dianne or whatever. They should've just made the money about ten times as much.

