Revolting beginning...

Rape is a horrible thing, especially against a child. What could POSSIBLY be exciting about a little girl to two grown men?


I couldn't watch the beginning. I had to skip through it, just terrible.


It is revolting, but it's supposed to be. However, Schumacher did a very good job with the subject matter, considering the graphic scene in the book. And it does what it's supposed to do - makes you wish those men died in the most brutal way possible (and makes you root for Carl Lee when that happens).


It is totally hideous but I think it's also important to set up the whole story, that we know these men are nothing more than disgusting, filthy, drunken pigs and they deserve everything they get. It is a very shocking film opening, extremely disturbing


I agree. I love this movie--it happens to be up there as one of my favorites. But I have actually only seen the beginning once and that was the first time I saw the movie. If I watch it I always fast forward or if it's on tv I always wait to turn it on until I know that part is over. I consider myself as having a tough stomach and can handle most things. But that scene is even too much for me. As others have said though--it's needed to set up the rest of the story.


It wasn't meant to be exciting.


Unfortunately crimes like this do occur all too often.

BTW Nicky Katt as Billy Cobb was almost unrecognizable, but made an extremely unlikeable villain.


I'm referring to rape in general. Not just the one in this movie. What about children could possibly interest grown men that way?


Rape is not about sex or attraction. It's committed because the rapist has a sick, twisted desire to feel powerful, and to dominate and degrade his or her victim.

These prejudiced men targeted this girl because of her skin color, and because they wanted to feel like they had power over her. They wanted to shame her, break her, and degrade her in every way they could think of. And then, they wanted to kill her.
