MovieChat Forums > Swingers (1997) Discussion > Could Swingers even be made today?

Could Swingers even be made today?

I watched this last night and it made me think that it couldn’t be made today .. several themes throughout are definitely not PC and would have to be trimmed but it would kill the soul of the movie

Agree or disagree?


I dunno.
Is there any objection to it now from the woke idiot SJWs?

I don't see anything offensive or misogynistic in it.


They say the FA&&ot word a handful of times . Plus the way Vince’s character talks about women would be considered “misogynist” these days. There is also the scene where they mention the pizza guy being “brown”.. as tame as these things are - these are things the sad sjw types would not allow in todays movie


Those are small things that may get overlooked.
If not then I think they could still make the movie with changes and keeping the context of it so we still get it.
However I know how you feel in questioning if certain things now would still happen because of the way times have changed so I am also sensitive to that.

Like would there be an outcry that would lead to an apology and censorship if Tom Petty put out the song Refugee today?
I can just hear them crying out how he is mocking the downtrodden and, "How dare he call a privileged white girl a refugee!"


No way could it be made. People are way more asocial. The majority of communication happens through smartphones, therefore a lot of scenes in the movie wouldn't be realistic.
