hand sign used

Jane Hetzko, the female teacher in the beginning of the movie gets boxed in when leaving the school. Juan Lucas does some sort of hand sign. thumb and middle finger down, index ring and pinky up. The teacher then does the same thing then flips it upside down and they get extremely pissed... What is up with that? What does that flipped sign mean? Is it a general idea that a flipped sign is an insult? Thanks.


Safe assumption that Juan flashed a "K.O.D." gang sign at her. Either way, it was definitely a gang sign. Was there ever a picture of Tupac not doing some kind of "West Coast" gang sign? Anyway, I believe the act of flipping it upside down is to be determined as "you're going down" or disrespect. Of course, they all went ape$hit when she did it, so it wasn't a good thing.

"You know what he's doing now? He's protecting the tapes!"
-Eddie Weinbauer, Trick or Treat


Throwing up the W for West Side, is not a gang sign. It never was, the media twisted it into meaning a gang sign when the decided to call the East Coast/ West Coast rivalry between Tupac and Notorius B.I.G., a gang war. It wasn't. It was between those two mean and their respective friends. Also, the W which is now mostly associated with meaning West Side or West Coast, originally stood for Watts, a section of Metro Los Angeles.


all i know is that she had balls for doing that in front of them!
