This is the real Punisher
I´ve always thought that the Punisher should have been played by a young Tom Berenger and I consider this movie to be the closer we´ll ever be to get a really cool Punisher movie
shareI´ve always thought that the Punisher should have been played by a young Tom Berenger and I consider this movie to be the closer we´ll ever be to get a really cool Punisher movie
shareI agree, but do think Tom Jane did a great job, he rose above the material - i mean, how hard was it for them to have Frank as a former marine who lives in New York instead of Florida/Pto Rico etc. C'mon?
shareHeh, fun little fact: there's a Punisher issue from 1988 or so I believe that is pretty similar to The Substitute. In this issue, The Punisher becomes a substitute at a violent, gang infested school, kicks ass (and yes, some of it is self-defence against knives, like the movie) and sets young punks straight. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
sharehe really dishes it out, doesn't he? i want to learn how to throw ninja stars like him.
I've thought this since I first saw this in the theater.
Also, the issue of The Punisher mentioned had a kick ass cover.
The Punisher holding an OD'd girl with his Kevlar showing, lockers in the background, F'in EPIC.
THATS A LOT OF NUTS-Kung-Pow:Enter The Fist _super.jpg
Here is a link to the cover your referring to.