The Imdb Rating...

Females above age 45 gave this better ratings than the guys under 18! Jesus men need to fricken grow balls these days and enjoy good testosterone fueled movies like this one. It's a classic action flick.

"I am Reality"


I was about to post on the score also. A 5.3? C'mon, this is as solid as action flicks come. Better characters than usual, badass dialogue, entertaining action scenes, and a deliberate pace that leads to as good a shoot out ending scene as you'll ever see. This movie deserves at least a 7 or 8. And about the women over 45 rating it higher than men under 18...well...that is pretty puss of those dudes...

Teeth(2007)- Darkest Comedy Ever Made


I gave it an "8"


I saw this recently and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it, and I was also surprised at how low the rating was. As a previous poster said, this is a solid action movie. But I guess the guys under 18 prefer Transformers type action with CGI.


Saw this movie when I was kid. Recently found the VHS in my father's collection and I have to say I still love it. I'm currently 17 and I'm not going to lie, I do love the first Transformers movie, but movies like The Substitute will always be among my favorites!

