MovieChat Forums > The Substitute (1996) Discussion > More Comedy than Action!

More Comedy than Action!

This movie should have been labeled a comedy:

One of the scenes is the fart scene as someone mentioned in the posts. And especially when the guy farts again when Tom grabs the guy!

Another one is the part when Tom visits that guy that was playing Jai Lai(or whatever that game is called). The Jai Lai guy was a trip when he tells Tom something like: "You cant just come in here and threaten me. I'm just going to have to defend myself" And then when he hits Tom with the ball and especially the way Tom starts charging towards the guy. This scene is like watching a trouble kid and an adult chasing the kid to spank him!

Another is when that same jai lai guy tries to explain why he has the red eye to those Rolle and those other bad guys.

The other one is when the Seminole Indian guy on that same scene(where hes with Rolle and the other guys) gets a call from somebody and he asks the guy on the line, "You're ..... me,......YOU'RE S..... ME!!!"

Anyway, thats my 2 cents on that...I had lots of laughs with this movie..


Yep, it was definitely unintentionally funny...or was it intentional? haha.

"Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying." ~Baba Ram Dass



i think it was evenly balanced out. although the fart was a little silly!



Ok, you just named 4 scenes that were semi-funny in a 2 hour movie, and you're making the argument that it should be labeled as a comedy instead of an Action movie? Are you kidding me?


There is that part where the gang members run Tom off the road and cause him to crash. They say something after such as "now they will have to get a substitute for the substitute" lol at that line



Or when he is writing on the chalkboard and that dude throws (a soda can?) object at him. And "having eyes in the back of his head" he suddenly turns around, catches it and hits the dude in the face.

"I like women. I don't understand them, but I like them."- Sean Connery


how bout when they're sitting at that guys house watching the rival mercenaries 'demo reel' and its listing all his missions and the weapons he uses. "...and his bare hands!" that always cracked me up. I love this movie.


guilty pleasure movie for me... Don't forget when he requires Marc Anthony to write on the chalkboard 100 times.


At the beginning when they put putty in the womans car door lock. She flashes a gang sign and everybody is cool with it, then she flips it upside down and they freak the *beep* out, lol.

Love how the 90's portrayed high school in movies as such harsh places, like if its this bad now, think of how its gonna be in 20 years. High school was like San Quentin in the 90's and then it fixed itself somehow.
