Speaking of guilty pleasures? This ain't no Showgirls!!
I don't think I liked this film at all, not even as a guilty pleasure. I think I might have even preferred Showgirls!
Anyone agree?
I don't think I liked this film at all, not even as a guilty pleasure. I think I might have even preferred Showgirls!
Anyone agree?
Whoa that's a bold statement! I would actually prefer this movie to Showgirls any day of the week. At least this movie had a semi-decent story line. Showgirls was just a bunch of T-N-A and horrible lead actress.
"You're not paid to think"
Well if i want to watch a movie called Showgirls or Striptease. I want to see some T-n-A
so Definately Showgirls!
it's a rainy day movie...............
it's not a masterpiece, but there are some nice moment............
(Burt Reynolds and vaselline...................)
juventus sucks...
i agree =) Burt and the vaseline is worth the price of admission =)
unlike a lot of the reviewers here, i liked both Ving's and Burt's performances =) i thought they were the only reason this movie was worth watching
and has anybody here mentioned the fact that Demi Moore never smiles while she's dancing? she has this dour look, i know she's a mother in pain, but geez... usually most dancers put a smile on it as they're parading around in their bare ta-ta's and hoo-ha =\
as for Striptease vs. Showgirls, i'd say it's a wash... the main star in both is not the main attraction... in Showgirls, Gina Gershon is both delightful to watch and beautiful eye candy... i just happen to think Striptease has a nice storyline and Showgirls sucks
This film was okay, but yeah show girls was better.
shareThis is a misunderstood drama about a mother's struggle to support her daughter, Showgirls, on the other hand, is pure garbage, exploitation.
FYC: Elisabeth Shue as Elizabeth Shue (Hamlet 2)
I was hoping this movie would be fun, but it's a mess, with painfully unfunny comic scenes. Showgirls really moves and is a nonstop laff riot!
Showgirls is wayyyyy better than Striptease. hands down.
At least 'Showgirls' has the complete and utter stench of a B-movie. I appreciate it BECAUSE it is utter crap. Guilty Pleasure all the way! This movie had WAY to much money thrown into it. It makes watching whores parade around feel even dirtier than it should. Boo.
p.s. someone please tell me...her boobs are fake, right?! cause c'mon.
My life is a parody of a tragedy!
Showgirls much better as an entertaining guilty pleasure, this was just boring.
shareBrand new store-bought boobs. The movie must have been an excuse to show them off.
Striptease is a half-hearted exploitation flick, they give you a flesh show and try to make up for it by Demi saying the napkins are demeaning to women (And having guys stuff singles in her drawers isn't?). Then there's where she tries telling her daughter there's nothing wrong with her dancing, but the way the men look at her is wrong. It's the PC hypocrisy that sinks it. I'll take the Andy Sidaris or Russ Myers movies any day, no phony pretexts.
Anyone else notice the board games kept changing from the close-ups to the long shots?
Completely disagree. Showgirls is unintentionally funny, where this is an actual comedy.
For my latest movie reviews and news:http://www.hesaidshesaidreviewsite.com/
Maybe I prefer that though - the unintentional humour is funnier to me.
shareI watched them both and here's my take on it....
Striptease, in my opinion was more comedic(or tried to be), had more well-known "A" list actors and a bigger budget to it. It also had a family side to it with her having the custody issue with her child .
Showgirls was way more adult drama oriented with the pool scene, the one girl getting beat and raped, and various other things, and also no "A" list actors per say (elizabeth berkeley, gina gershon, and kyle mclachlan were the only ones I even recognized by name at that point, and they're not big big stars....). It was also I think only $25 mil budget and a lot more campy which got it all the late midnught showings after its main release. And like the above poster said, any humor was unintentional.
I think it all depends on what genre of movies you prefer...I personally like the campy stuff so I prefered showgirls, but I liked striptease as well. Soundtrack wise, Showgirls wins hands down...I like the edgier music though.
There's no right or wrong here, it just depends on what you prefer moviewise.