All 4 said "Carl?"

At the end when Carl is saying his goodbyes all four people's last word to him was "Carl?". Like they had more to say or ask but Carl walked away. This has bugged me for years.

Does anyone think Billy Bob meant any significance to this? Like maybe if just one of them had followed Carl and continued the conversation perhaps he wouldn't have busted Doyle's cranium? Even Doyle might have been able to talk him out of it if he had been more than his usual hardnose redneck act.


I think you're exactly right. Each of the characters wanted to say something to dissuade Karl from killing Doyle, however they each knew it was for the best if Doyle was dead and gone.

That's what I got out of it, anyway.


No, none of them knew what Karl was going to do. That's why the all asked, "Karl?".


I just saw that you've posted this statement in two threads. What makes you so sure that they didn't know? I mean, did you talk to Billie Bob personally and he told you "all four characters definitely did not know that Karl was going to kill Doyle?"

Your statement is opinion. Just like a55holes, you're entitled to think your own is better than everybody else's, but it's not fact.


What an observation that was about each of them calling "Karl" as he left them. I tend to think Doyle just said his name in a drunken stupor but the others simply wanted him to not leave and talk to them. They knew he was saying good bye.

