Great movie

Love the film - love the beautiful location filming in Arkansas - truly a breathtaking State if you've never been there --- got to visit 3 times in the last 2 years and just love it --- Live in Los Angeles for my whole life and seeing this wonderful lifestyle just blew my mind ---

Now I didn't run into anybody like Billy Bob or Dwight Yoakum but sheez wonderful State ---

My only casting issue in the movie is Dwight Yoakum being the I'll tempered brute --- That should have been Billy Bob instead as Dwight is just too likable of a dude --- I know him as a happy smiling singer but Billy Bob seems to be more of an abusive type like his relationship with Jolie and all ---

Great film though ---


Wait, what??

"You can just stand there and let him kick your ass!" Karate Kid III


No way, Yoakum killed it!


Great acting! Yoakum was the perfect evil image of every woman's nightmare. How Linda took him back is worth its own thread. The times he would verbally abuse then say he was only kidding was SCARY.


Anyone can play himself. Yoakum did an excellent job of portraying a character who is not like him. That's what makes an actor an actor.
