Film locations (of the Algonquin)
For years and years I was always wondering about the location of the 'Algonquin' building and the state of it today, so I decided to spend a bit of my spare time observing the area,
starting with google images of Montreal city.
I took a good hard look at the shots in the movie showing the 'Algonquin' building and the buildings surrounding it, then comparing it with photos on google showing
Montreal city as it is today. Spotting both the Marriot building and the "Atrium Le 1000 de la Gauchetière" building on the right hand side, this lead me to find three streets using the power of google street view:
Jean d'Estress St, Montreal, Canada (facing north),-73.5648751,3a,75y,5.32h,91.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sPB38Tx2ITFXVatZn7i6mLQ!2e0!5s20150601T000000!7i13312!8i6656
This is the land of where I assume 'Algonquin' building was located. As you can see, it's no longer there / demolished (no idea when, probably in the late 90s/00s)
St Jacques St, Montreal, Canada (facing south-east),-73.5658035,3a,51.8y,124.95h,80.63t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syMzYItlbAF4-L4DSVg9h_w!2e0!5s20150501T000000!7i13312!8i6656
This is the gate entrance to the 'Algonquin' building, where Gina Bellman is dropped off by a van etc. These are not the original gates as shown in 1996.
Rue Des Rivieres, Montreal, Canada (facing north-west),-73.5657324,3a,75y,320.34h,94.71t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sa-92Mud_u2bfDMkGgffAAA!2e0!5s20120601T000000!7i13312!8i6656
This is the street that Gina Bellman walks down, at the end of the movie. It's now a car park.
Someone on the message boards was wondering if the building may have been fake... but now that I've discovered the actual streets of where Silent Trigger was filmed, I'm
sure that the building was very real... but sadly no longer there. (it may have also been the answer to why the movie was also called "The Algonquin Goodbye")
I have no idea of the other locations of Silent Trigger, and I have no idea if the indoor shots were from the Algonquin itself (I'm confident that they were) or a studio ... I'll leave that to someone else.
my 2 cents. :)