Help with error

Maybe I just don't have my thinking cap on today, but I'm confused about something.

In the beginning of the movie, Bilko bets with some of his subordinates $500 that one of his men can beat a horse in tug of war. His man loses on purpose, and we watch Bilko pay his opponent. Bilko then convinces his opponent to double the bet to $1000. Bilko's man then gives his best, and wins. If I'm not mistaken, Bilko's net winnings were only $500. The question is, why would he throw the competition just to win what he would have won in the beginning? If he tripled the bet, then I would understand. Seems to me that he simply wasted some of his man's energy for nothing.

"Come on, all I need is a one. Darn it! An ace!"


It's a character building scene to show the audience that he's a shady character. Nothing more.
