MovieChat Forums > Sgt. Bilko (1996) Discussion > 'No, he did it from across the room' ......

'No, he did it from across the room' ... What does this mean?

Wally: Speaking of Doberman, can I please have another roommate?
Bilko: Why, what's wrong with Doberman?
Wally: He wet his bed?
Bilko: Oh, well, once in a while...
Wally: [Cuts off Bilko] No, he did it from across the room.

I never understood what was being described here for years after first watching this movie. And Ive found myself still confused by exactly what this statement is implying!!
Can anyone help me in describing this and painting the picture for me of what he meant when he said this and how this is one of the movie jokes.


Well, I interpret it as he is wetting Wally's bed while he is in his own bed. The other way to go is that he just starts spraying while standing on the other side of the room. Personally, I like my interpretation, it's a funny image.


It just means that he peed on his bed while standing from across the room. Now, why would anybody do that?


Water bed?


He's so drunk that pissing on his bed from across the room sounds like a good idea. I had a friend that was so black out drunk that he pusses into his lizards tank thinking he was at his toilet.
