stoney woulda got more money had she just sued the lapd for the murder.
good movie. love it! but im just real life a family was awarded 3 mil for a similar case.....
sharegood movie. love it! but im just real life a family was awarded 3 mil for a similar case.....
sharegotta have money to afford an attorny
sharedo u honestly think she wouldnt have lawyers lined up at her door ready to represent her for free?? especially with a case that is a guaranteed win??
shareStoney's character didn't have any money. Lawyer's cost $$$$$$$$$ that she doesn't have i'm sure of
Hell, she had to sleep with Nate just to get the rest of the money for her Bro to go to UCLA.
"Hell, she had to sleep with Nate just to get the rest of the money for her Bro to go to UCLA."
She had to sleep with Nate to get the check she showed him. That wasn't nearly enough
You are right, so yea she still didn't have enough cash to pay lawyer fees and etc.
share pro+bono+att&gs_l=hp.1.0.0l4.16287.21898.1.23123. .2372.0j7j3j0j1.11.0...0.0...1c.1.14.psy-ab.ReqTqDVHB24&pbx=1& bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.dmg&fp=5533d4a9ccf49787&am p;biw=1440&bih=807
shareWhy didn't she use her money from the bank robbery to hire a lawyer though?
shareLawyers that do cases like that usually do it for free and just cash in after the pay out. Hence why so many people have accident, wrongful death and malpractice lawsuits.
"Don't they know they're making love to one already dead?!"
Love Les Miserables!!!
Hell, she had to sleep with Nate just to get the rest of the money for her Bro to go to UCLA.
well technically nobody asked her to do that. it was painfully obvious that he wasnt interested in college. she shouldve just left it alone.....
It's not a guaranteed win, not even close. He had the pattern shaved in the back of his head (by the same person, so you know that pattern matched exactly). He exited the bank robber's address matching the description almost exactly. It was not uneasonable for the cops to mistake him for the bank robber; in fact, it's entirely possible that the bank robber had his sister shave the pattern to set the kid up. Put yourself in the cops' shoes. They see the "AP", they believe this is an armed and dangerous bank robber, they're trying to take him down, and then he makes what looks a lot like a move. They're not going to wait and see what he's taking out of that inside pocket, he was told to keep his hands in view. Even though he was not their suspect, the cops made the right call. It would still be ruled a righteous kill, certainly not a "murder", and if it's the fault of anyone, it's the real bank robber who set him up with that "AP".
share He exited the bank robber's address matching the description almost exactly.
i almost stopped reading at this! the two men look nothing alike and that would be very easy for an attorney to use to his/her advantage. also once stevie stepped into the light it shouldve been clear as day that he was not the robber. ALSO the police were excessive with the gunfire. it was waaay over the top. why shoot someone that many times when u dont even know if they have a gun?? there was a case similar to this in new york and the family WON 3 MILLION DOLLARS!
It's not a guaranteed win because it was a young black man shot by police. Let's be honest...
A similar case? Her brother, while innocent, was told to put his hands up. What'd he do? He stuck his hand in his jacket....knowing he had a dozen cops had weapons aimed at him. Had witnesses to back that up as well. There is not a chance in hell she wins a lawsuit for wrongful death. He was given a director order by police (who had good reason to give it) and disregarded that order. You do that, get shot.
shareA similar case? Her brother, while innocent, was told to put his hands up. What'd he do? He stuck his hand in his jacket....knowing he had a dozen cops had weapons aimed at him. Had witnesses to back that up as well. There is not a chance in hell she wins a lawsuit for wrongful death. He was given a director order by police (who had good reason to give it) and disregarded that order. You do that, get shot.
Ummmm did you not read the article? Thats exactly what happened in the real life scenario but instead of a bottle it was a wallet....
sharegotta have money to afford an attorny
The only issue with that is she would probably lose and it wouldn't have been worth it.
We don't know Jada Pinkett's and her Brothers past story. Their parents could have been killed in a similar manner. Maybe this was the last straw and she just said fvck it and decided to heist banks with the other girls.
Her brother did not have the complexion for protection, and the police were justified in shooting him. He didn't obey their orders, and how many people would have the same letters shaved in their head, and John McGinleys character seemed light a right *beep* the entire movie and I'm sure as he's already suspecting her best friend Vivica a. Fox as an accessory to the robbery in the first scene, she might have gotten herself in more into more trouble than for her own purpose.
That isn't a bad idea, and I have thought about it myself along with other why didn't they moments, like why didn't Queen Latifah wear gloves throwing the cassettes out the window, why didn't Kimberly Elise ask Queen Latifah's girlfriend to watch her child? Why didn't Vivica A. Fox just hit the silent alarm and put the money in the case and tell the cops later that she knew the bank robber. She would have been put on witness protection, mind you there would be no movie, but it would have been a smarter choice lol.