I know this is an old argument, but this thread reminds me of the ones where people discuss whether movies are responsible for the violence in society. I'm a firm believer that they aren't, just as I believe that movies about eating disorders do not "teach kids how to be anorexic". These movies aren't promoting eating disorders; they're trying to educate people about them. Watching this movie didn't inspire me to starve myself- it made me want to get in shape the healthy way. I don't want to lose my hair, or cough up blood, or die from organ failure. Nothing in this movie romanticizes the illness. It's reality, and it isn't pretty.
So yeah, there are girls that will use these movies for tips instead of learning from them, and there's not much we can do about that. I'm not saying culture doesn't influence people, but if you're a grounded, sensible person, they shouldn't make you do something you would never do otherwise.
If you decide to "become" anorexic after seeing this movie, then you were already anorexic before you watched it. Just as people who commit murder don't do it as a result of watching a violent movie- they weren't playing with a full deck to begin with.
I heard that, Curtis!