MovieChat Forums > Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996) Discussion > Is this movie on the internet somewhere?

Is this movie on the internet somewhere?

I haven't seen this movie in a long time and i would really like to see it. The only thing is im not sure if it is on the internet to watch. So if any of you have a link or something can u post it here? Please and Thank you!!


I don't know where you can watch it online but i did download it from


Which film is this? I got confused when I looked at it, because I thought some of the actors looked different, then I looked at the listing for the other Sabrina the Teenage Witch and it was the series...

Du riechst so gut


I have looked for it on YOutube, and found scenes, but when I went back to look again, I couldn't figure out what I had put in the search window. All I could find were scenes from the series.

I just found the whole movie tonight. Youtube (wierd how you can search the same things one night and get nothing, and then the same another night and get lucky!)
Enter: "Sabrina the teenage witch movie" don't forget the quotes, or you'll get the whole series, and since it aired for six or seven years, that's a lot of clips to wade through.

There are 9 segments. They came right up for me.

Good watchin' I've been looking to rewatch it for about two years, now, and haven't found anything until tonite.


hey thanks im going to watch it right now :)




In the world of 2014 both this movie and the following television series are available on HULU and on, too. The movie and the series have quite different flavors, but they still hold up well, even years and years after they were made.



To answer your question, yes, it is a torrent(I would use Utorrent, to download anything torrent-wise, but, i dont download much, really, I use it to see if I will even like the movie/show, then if I do, I go buy it.) on many different websites, just like the series is, among many, many other shows/movies, but, you have to dig deep, to find 1 that is still seeding, though.....

Like any other site, be careful what you click on, or, you could lose your info, and hand it over to someone else!


It's currently streaming on the Criterion channel.


