I'm tired of people accusing Tom Mullen of jeopardizing Sean's life
It became obvious to him that the kidnappers would kill Sean once the ransom was delivered. Remember that Tom first did it Shaker's way to deliver the ransom but he realized that they had no intention of returning Sean. If Tom did it Shaker's way Sean would be killed. I find Tom a hero for finding a way to save Sean that paid off. I mean Tom did everything Shaker said, and Cubby refused to provide an address. He took the money and drove off. That's obvious that they were going to kill Sean once the ransom was paid off. To those who accuse Tom of jeopardizing Sean's life, watch the movie again especially the part where Tom delivers the ransom. It becomes obvious that they had no intention of returning Sean. So why make his child's killer rich? I wouldn't pay if I knew they were going to kill my kid. Remember in the beginning Tom didn't even want to involve the FBI but did so because Kate insisted. So watch the movie again before you accuse Tom of jeopardizing Sean's life. Just watch the scene where Tom delivers the ransom. It becomes so obvious that they planned to kill Sean after the ransom was payed. Just watch the scene when Tom delivers the ransom and Cubby refuses to provide an address.