I just watched this film again and love it to bits. A bit sad that his an IMDB rating of 6.6 which is the same as terminator Genisys, which I watched today. I enjoyed them both, but Ransom is a much better film.
Anyway, I've been reading posts about how stupid this film is etc and I got thinking how stupid are a lot of people here? I mean they are applying logic to a lot of the situations here. "oh he should have realised he wasnt gonny get the address from Donnie Wahlberg" or "the kid should have recognized the cops voice in the room etc". For me, i just find it completely illogical that people would try and apply logic to the behaviour their characters are exhibiting in this film. They have had their son kidnapped, they are in an agitated state of panic and anxiety. I'm sure that in many of these situations people will not behave in a logical manner or the way YOU think someone might behave. I mean the fact that the main character does what he does with the Ransom says it all.
This film is a classic thriller and I wish they made more movies like this these days, but they seem to be drowned out by super hero movies these days and tent pole films. Not saying tent-pole movies should not exist, but there should be a place for smaller budget thrillers as well.