Fatal Plot Hole
Once the first half of the movie, in which the story is set up, is over, the whole plot of the second half hinges on the battle of wills between the father, Tom Mullen (Gibson) and the head kidnapper, Jimmy Shaker (Sinise).
And this battle of wills in turn hinges on the plot twist, when Mullen offers a bounty for Shaker.
The whole drama centers around this point:
- The FBI Agent, Lonnie Hawkins (Delroy Lindo), calls this sabotage
- His wife goes back and forth in her support of Mullen
- People all over are debating the point
- Mullen and Shaker argue over the point
- Mullen arranges this dramatic confrontational scene with Mullen's wife, to get her to convince Mullen to change his mind
Now Mullen offering the bounty is based on his firm belief that if he pays the ransom, the kidnappers will not return the boy but rather will kill him. And all the people doubting Mullen dispute this.
And here is where the fatal plot hole comes into play:
The kidnappers have already proven without any doubt that Mullen is 100% correct!
The kidnappers gave Mullen instructions as to how to get the boy back: go through this elaborate maze, get to the kidnapper waiting, give him the money, and get the address.
And when Mullen gets there, the kidnapper Cubby Barnes (Donnie Wahlberg) genuinely has no clue about the address! This means that Shaker had not even told his fellow kidnapper what to do when Mullen gets there with the money. Which is insane! Here we have this kidnapper team with all of this detailed preparation, and they didn't even discuss what exactly to do when the drop-off occurs?!
This is another fatal plot hole. The whole scuffle between Mullen and Barnes, leading to the FBI intervention and the death of Barnes, and the whole thing going awry rests on an impossibility: the failure of the kidnappers to realize that they should plan what will happen in one of the most crucial moments of the whole scheme, the drop-off!
At any rate, the kidnappers have now proven that they have no intention of returning the boy when they get the money!
When Mullen gets back home, he raises this point, but then it gets conveniently lost, since it is a fatal plot hole.
After Mullen tells Hawkins what went down, Hawkins says: "Tom, you've got to play the odds, man. I've been doing this for eighteen years, and if I were a betting man, I would bet on the people who pay every time, out of the gate."
And Mullen gives this cryptic answer: "Did you bet on the ones where you got back a corpse?"
Major plot hole! Don't give the agent some mumbo-jumbo answer! Tell the agent: "Fine! I believe you that in most cases, paying is the way to go. Because in most cases, the kidnappers just want the money, and once they get the money, they give back the kid! But I just went the paying route! I did everything they told me to do, and I brought them the money, and they didn't tell me the address like they said they would! They out-and-out lied to me! They have proven that they have no intention of returning my son!"
That is what the character would have said in reality! Nobody is going to tell Mullen: "Yeah, you're right! You paid, and they totally lied to you, but you should pay again." But since it ruins the whole set-up for the plot twist, this crucial point is left hanging.
And when Mullen next speaks to Shaker, and Shaker starts yelling at Mullen, Mullen doesn't bring up the point at all! Major plot hole!
Obviously, Mullen in reality would have said to Shaker: "Look! What are you yelling at me for?! You told me to bring the money, and you'd give me the address! I did absolutely everything you said! I brought all the money! And I was about to hand it over to your guy! And your guy had no idea about the address! He didn't even know anything about an address!
"If your guy had just given me the address, like you said he would, then all of this would have been over! You'd have the money, I'd have my son, and your partner would still be alive! Why didn't your partner give me the address? Why didn't your partner have any clue what I even meant by the address? Why did you lie to me about the address in the first place, if you really wanted to give me back my son? Obviously you guys never planned to give me back my son! So how on earth do you expect me to pay you, when you've already proven that when I do pay you, you have no intention to return my son?!
"So I'm not going to get fooled by you again! I've already proven that I'm sincere and serious about paying the money, but you have proven that you are not sincere about giving my son back. So if you want the money and you're sincere about returning my son, then we have to do it differently this time. We have to arrange a way of doing the exchange that I will have a guarantee that I get my son back when you get the money."
This screams out to be said, and Mullen doesn't even raise the point.
The whole plot of the second half of the film rests on the tension: is Mullen's hunch right and he should not play their game, or is his hunch wrong, and he should play their game?
But there is no tension! There is no doubt! The kidnappers have completely tipped their hand that they won't return the boy! So the whole basis of the second half of the film is completely absent.
And everything I've written until now rests on another point which may also be regarded as a major plot hole:
Really, why did these kidnappers not simply return the boy? They concocted a good plan that would get them 2 million dollars. Why not leave it at that? Why not play it the way kidnappers generally do it (according to Hawkins): kidnap the boy, get the money, return the boy. They didn't know Mullen personally. They had nothing against the boy. It just doesn't make any sense for a team to form this whole plan for money, and then, for no good reason, to turn it into a murder. There's absolutely no motive. It needlessly complicates things and endangers the whole plan. Of course, there would be no plot so that's the real motive, but from a realistic point of view, it makes no sense whatsoever.
It should be against the law to use 'LOL'; unless you really did LOL!