MovieChat Forums > Primal Fear (1996) Discussion > Meaning of the title...?

Meaning of the title...?

Does anybody know why they chose to name the film "Primal Fear" (or the book, same deal)? I don't really understand the connection.


As much as I agree with some of the IMDb fellows who stated that title is certainly not the most suitable one, I believe the answer might be in the very ending of the movie. It may indicate the fear of being deceived to the point of sheer blindness and even backstabbed, in a way. The fear of betrayal may be related to the word "primal", as betrayal is the gravest of all sins according to the Bible and even more, according to Dante and his Inferno (Lucifer is in the last level of Hell, as a traitor)


It may indicate the fear of being deceived to the point of sheer blindness and even backstabbed, in a way.

This sentence exactly describes my take on this movie. I think most people miss it. Mr. Vail was deceived, manipulated and humiliated by this young man. The end of the film, IMO, is not showing his unwillingness to talk to the press, but his inability. His confidence has suffered a severe blow. He has been shaken to his very core by the experience in the jail cell inside the building. Surely he has been close to other criminals and maybe even waded in the mire of their worlds, but he most likely was never taken for a ride like this kid did to him. Vail got used, big time. Blindsided, I would say.

He might recover, but he will not likely ever be the same. He just got screwed by pure evil. The worst part is that it was his own doing. He let the devil punch his dance card. Willingly. He is stunned and confused by what has happened, since he believed it was his idea, under his control. It was NEVER under his control. He got played.

And because of the attorney client privilege, he can't tell anybody - the ultimate mind *beep* I supposed a therapist might be an exception.

What a movie.

When you dance with the devil, you don't change the devil. The devil changes you.
Joaquin Phoenix, in 8MM


They Movie Is Called Primal Fear Because All Humans Have The Fear that Everyone Could be A Murderer Even if He is Someone You Know For Years And He Is Nice
and DiD Not Even Kill A Fly Or Somthing like That!


Does anybody know why they chose to name the film "Primal Fear"


it is ABOUT the murder of a [pedophile] PRIMATE of the lousy Catholic church

so PRIMAL Fear

nuthin to do with apes, ape


I've long felt that for such a good movie, this has one of the worst titles ever.

Just makes it sound like a low budget horror/action movie.


After the whole drama (courtesy to Roy), the Vail and Venable agreed that Stampler should be sent to a mental institution so that Aaron would be cured and "Roy" would be gone and leave. After that, Aaron then is free to walk through the streets. (Or at least, that is the case in the book.)
However, during his private talk with Stampler, Vail discovers that Aaron had been faking his disease all along. This haunted Vail for years, knowing that he had let a murderer go. That thought had become his primal fear.


After the whole drama (courtesy to Roy), the Vail and Venable agreed that Stampler should be sent to a mental institution so that Aaron would be cured and "Roy" would be gone and leave.


sorry but JUDGE made a bench judgment - that's why the have courts with judges and lawyers to argue case for both sides - in this case we also had a jury but Bench Judgment bypassed jury

Venable was AGAINST her judgment but she said tell it to the legislature [ie the Parliament MAKES the legislation and courts decide based ON the legislation and once made it becomes "law".

judge was saying it is not my job to tell the hospital shrinks how to do their job, but I loved The Sixth Sense where Night shows us just how CORRUPT the whole shrink industry is.

this movie was about how corrupt PRIMATES are [ie clergy and rampant pedophilia] and the fear that would have spread throughout their Industry with the actions/verdict in this case


The movie did not offer a very clear meaning for the title but the book did and since the movie and book are connected, might as well mention it. In the book, the sides agree that Aaron is insane and should go to a mental hospital. Primates have nothing to do with the movie.


It is a psychological term. Not really sure what it means, but is has to do with our greatest fears.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Like another poster said, it's just a generic title that was the trend in the late 80s and 90s for thrillers, sometimes adapted from crime novels of the period. They would just take two seemingly unrelated words that vaguely relate to the plot and put them together to sound ominous. In this case the novel by the same name worked so they kept it.

Primal Fear
Fatal Attraction
Basic Instinct
Dangerous Liaisons
Executive Decision
Crimson Tide
Black Rain

The list goes on.



Maybe it has something to do with Richard Gere. Movies he has been in have titles that are confusing. Think "Arbitrage", "Movie 43", "I'm Not There", "The Mothman Prophecies", "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" and "Final Analysis" among others. Could a strange title be in his contract?

You don't have to know someone to know someone.


Psychology Relating to or denoting the needs, fears, or behaviour that are postulated (especially in Freudian theory) to form the origins of emotional life.
‘he preys on people's primal fears’
