MovieChat Forums > Original Gangstas (1996) Discussion > THEY STOLE SCENES FROM 'COLORS'


If you have seen both movies you will know what I'm talking about. There is a part with a black car doing a drive-by shooting and a part wher some people sht windows out of a house. Watch both movies and compare.



I thought so too! Did anyone that made Colors complain? That's what I want to know, they can press charges.


Uh, they probably gave permission?


That's strange!


Wait, so shooting and setting houses on fire AREN'T normal? O_O


They didn't steal any scene, this is on a lot of hood movies.


That's what my sister and I thought and we were laughing our butts off.


I just watched both movies and both movies contained the same exact scene. Funny how that scene from colors was randomly used in original gangstas. There was no point to the scene being in o.g's. I wonder how that got put in. Was it on purpose or an accident? I noticed something similiar happened in the trailer for reindeer games it had a few random scenes from the crow in it.




Both films were from Orion Pictures so they probably used them to save money. Roger Corman executed this technique a lot. He'd take action shots from other films instead of spending thousands and some time millions to shoot new ones. It's kind of a staple of low-budget film making.

On another note, I also noticed that in one of the scenes they shoot a car until it explodes and I'm pretty sure it's insert footage from "Robocop 2", another Orion picture.
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They filmed drive-by shootings??? How is it a copy if it's a common occurance in "gangland"??? Hey, they filmed the blue sky too! COMPLETE COPY!!!

"I don't want your watch, man. I want your friendship!"
- Lightfoot
