Dave Chapelle cracked some good yo mama jokes, "yo mama is so fat her belt size is equator". I wish he would have done more, that was my favorite part of the movie, here's a few I know: Yo Mama is so fat at school she sat next to everybody. Yo Mama is so fat to take a bath she soaps the walls.
1. Yo' mama so ugly she stuck her head out the window and got arrested for mooning. 2. Yo' mama so ugly her mother breast-fed her through a straw. 3. Yo' mama so fat I yelled and I could her an echo in her belly-button. 4. Yo'mama so fat God told her to get her fat ass out the way so night and day cycles could continue. 5. Yo' mama so old she dated Adam before Eve. 6. Yo' mama so poor she couldn't afford a free car wash. 7. Yo' mama so ugly she caught a peeping-tom booing her! 8. Yo' mama so fat she could have sex with Prince Charles and President Clinton at the same time. 9. Yo mama so fat she puts on lipstick with a paint brush. 10. Yo' mama so fat I asked "who let the dogs out?" and she said "that's my stomach growling.