This movie terrified me when I was little.
Not exaggerating when I say from the ages of about 3-10 you couldn't even say the words "Nutty Professor" without me going into hysterics crying. Not sure what it was but it scared the CRAP out of me. I wouldn't go to the movies theaters because I thought there would be a sequel and have previews for it. (lo and behold it did and when I recieved Nickelodean magazine one month, *It had Spongebob on the cover, I vividly remember it* they had an article about it.) I hid that magazine in my closet. I had the Jim Carrey Grinch movie on VHS and there was some sort of preview on it about Universal Studios and NP was on there and I took the VHS out and threw it behind my tv. I'm most definitely not terrified of it anymore. I've seen both NP & NP2 since. but It still gives me a funny feeling...that is all.