MovieChat Forums > The Nutty Professor (1996) Discussion > This movie terrified me when I was littl...

This movie terrified me when I was little.

Not exaggerating when I say from the ages of about 3-10 you couldn't even say the words "Nutty Professor" without me going into hysterics crying. Not sure what it was but it scared the CRAP out of me. I wouldn't go to the movies theaters because I thought there would be a sequel and have previews for it. (lo and behold it did and when I recieved Nickelodean magazine one month, *It had Spongebob on the cover, I vividly remember it* they had an article about it.) I hid that magazine in my closet. I had the Jim Carrey Grinch movie on VHS and there was some sort of preview on it about Universal Studios and NP was on there and I took the VHS out and threw it behind my tv. I'm most definitely not terrified of it anymore. I've seen both NP & NP2 since. but It still gives me a funny feeling...that is all.


After seeing this movie as a child, i had recurring daydreams(not nightmares) where Eddie Murphy was standing in my shower screaming at me every time i pulled the shower curtain know that signature AHHHH! scream of his with that bug eyed look on his face? yeah. Lol you're not alone

The industry dont give a *beep* about you, but it couldn't make a dime without you


When I was little, I was only scared of the scene when he turned into Fatzilla

I got over that fear shortly after NP2 was released. I had a bootleg VHS tape of NP2 and I decided to watch NP and NP2 back to back and It turns out that the Fatzilla scene wasnt even scary, it was hilarious.

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd



The dream scene was hilarious

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


They are scared of a fat man shrinking within seconds of drinking his experiment.



