Missed the ending

While I was wathcing this movie my power cut out. right after they got out of the wrecked house. It was quite a creepy feeling but also quite annoying because I missed the ending.


Hi the ending was basically the whole family is in their car trying to outrun the tornado and the neighbors they were outrunning with I think got sucked up into the twister cause they were getting really far behind the family because at one point the car lights on the neighbors car went out cause they got engulfed by the tornado. Then as the family was racing in the middle of town it is on their tail literally. Part of the tornado was touching their car. (from how i remember it anyways haven't seen it in awhile)Anyways they get under an underpass and wait it out and the teen boy nearly gets sucked out as his dad is knocked out by flying debris and they get through it fine pretty much just as they are losing grip on him and the tornado has him in its hands it gets sucked back up in the sky and it is morning and the storm is over. The family starts to walk back towards town with the teen boy narrarating all the damage and such. Then just before the credits he goes through a bunch of pictures of his family and some friends and at the very end he showed a very detailed picture of a tornado that he drew. Anyways that is about all I remember.
