Tim's accent...
Now I suppose I could figure this out by choosing the subtitle feature either on my DVD or my TV, but I thought it would be more fun to ask:
When Long John Silver (Tim Curry) has his first scene, he gets the chance to freak out Jim Hawkins. He holds up his right hand (sans a few fingers) and says something along the lines of "Look what a cannonball took, leaving me with my own life." Then he flips his fingers up to show he's really got all five and gives that oh-so-perfectly-evil Tim Curry laugh.
NOW, does he say CANNONBALL (as in shot from a cannon which would be a very pirate thing) or CANNIBAL (as in a savage a pirate might have run into during a voyage)?
Secondly, does it really matter? (LOL)
There's a new world order coming, Shadow, and I'm going to be a king! A KING!