favourite bit

i adore this film-it is so so funny!
my favourite bit was at the beginning when the blind guy gives billy bones THE BLACK SPOT. omg was so funny.
and then when that pirate guy was crying over dead tom being dead, and the other pirate points out that he's always been dead. classic!
so what was yours?

i'm not a slut...i'm just popular


For some reason I always found the line "To the south west - multi-armed Zanzibanian short women and their exploding wigs of death!" highly amusing. Gonzo gets the best lines.


Haha! That's right. Gonzo's lines are the best.

Hmm...I agree. I loved the seen with the blind guy, I just crack up!

"You're crazy!""Now, now, Louis, you musn't say things like that because I told you..."


The guy's name was Blind Pew..just in case you wanted to know that :P

I loved the beginning shots and song "Dead Men Tell No Tales" BANG! Utterly cool and then Long John Silver's song "Lift me up boys/lads this is my only number"

"We'd never stab you in the back" (dead body falls)
"We'd never lie or cheat" Polly steals a money purse which Long John filches from him...
"We're just about the nicest guys y'ever want t'meet."


Thank you! I thought so, when he said his name it sounded like that..I just wasn't sure if it was, nor the spelling. I'm such a dummy. *falls on floor* Thanks!:)

"You're crazy!""Now, now, Louis, you musn't say things like that because I told you..."


I laughed when Jim is being held by Blind Pew/Pierre (that's what I always thought his name was), and he's mistaken for a girl.

Jim: You're mistaken. There's no Billy Bones here, and I'm not a girl.

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Rizzo; "I think hes some sort of blind fiend."
Gonzo: "I think they prefere visually challenged fiend."


They are so hilarious.

Movies rock the world


Roll call was one of the scenes that I laughed in.
"Cabin Fever" was totally unexpected and uncalled for, and that's why I loved it
I also liked all the parts with Blind Pew and when his crew damaged the house. There was a random guy that just flew through the window.
Another funny part was when the Squire was introduced. Mr. Bimbo XD Out of all the characters in the movie, he was one of my favorites.


The scenes with Mr. Arrow.

Arrow: Any slackers will be shot on sight!
Smollet: I didn't say that, Mr. Arrow.
Arrow: I was paraphrasing, sir.


Arrow: That Silver fellow may not be trusted!
Rizzo: Now he tells us.


Funny, I used to get freaked out by the black spot bit. I really don't remember why, but I always used to turn the volume down and shut my eyes when Jim shuts the door and billy starts flicking the paper all over the place (by the way, why does he do that?) I find the bit when gonzo and rizzo are talking and gonzo goes "my pants are filled with starfish" and rizzo goes "you and your hobbies!" The way he says it makes me laugh so much.


Too many excellent bits to name just one ...

The opening sequence and song are amazing.

I love the scene where Jim and Long John Silver talk on the deck - about their fathers and the stars.

Everything Mr. Arrow says and does is hilarious.

The song 'Boom sha-kala-ka' is also fantastic. Live elephants!!

When Long John scares the pirates into repenting (after they present him with a black spot on a page torn from the holy bible).

But if I reallyhad to pin it down to just one scene, it would have to be the song 'Professional Pirate' Really uplifting. Gentlemen of fortune!


I'd have to say the part where Smollet, Gonzo, and Rizzo get captured by the boars is awesome. They're all creepy wild freaks with spears and feathers and Rizzo is miserable while Gonzo is just so cool, "Are we lucky or what?"

"I am Spa-am! High priest of the boars". Oh god, that was just hilarious and so Muppet-clever to use Spam. Then of course, Miss Piggy makes her typical star-studdeded entrance and ends up falling down the steps. "You stupid anteater!!!" she fumes.

I loved this movie over 10 years ago and I still love it today. I even remember watching the trailer for it at the movie theatre when we went to see "Tom and Huck". It starts off all serious and grim about this deadly pirate secret with shadows everywhere, flickering candles above the map, and then suddenly...Kermit shows up and grins, "Hello, everyone!" Yup, Muppet Treasure Island, and then the goofy moments kick in.



Rizzo: What's wrong?
Gonzo: It just feels so weird.
Rizzo: You mean that Mr. Arrow's dead?
Gonzo: Yeah, that... and my pants are filled with starfish.
Rizzo: You and your hobbies.

And the fact that Miss Piggy makes the effort to change the Mr to Ms in 'No more Mr Nice Guy', but leaves in the 'Guy'

Long John Silver: Talking... parrots?

Squire Trelawney: Oh, Mr. Bimbo lives in my finger. He's very smart. He's been to the moon. .......... Oh, thank you... twice.


So many funny bits!

A couple that haven't been said already:

When the inn is on fire and Blind Pew is walking around saying, "I think I smell something burning, no?"

Miss Piggy sending Kermit flying into the gong. Classic Muppet Moment that is always funny every single time.



the PROFESIONAL PIRATE song. i love tim curry lol
