'Boom Shaka-laka''s pet

what was his name?? I own the DVD but I remember my friend loving the quote:
"[pet's name], you ruined my entrance!" ...or something to that effect. Please help?


Flaubert. It's prounounced "Flowbear".

Everything I've done I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.


oh I love you. thanks so much!


:) You're welcome

Everything I've done I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.


I thought it was "Robert" (pronounced Roh-bear). It's a more common French name, after all (or so I've been led to believe).

LMC xxx

Just hand over the chocolate and no one will get hurt.


*shrugs* I hear a very distinct "Fl-" noise when she says it. I could be wrong though.

It was me! I was the turkey all along!


It is indeed "FLAUbert", not "RObert". I think naming the parrot "Flaubert" is an obvious, if rather witty reference to the Julian Barnes novel "Flaubert´s Parrot", published in 1984.

EDIT: Sorry bout that one. I stand to the reference, but of course, the Treasure Island Flaubert is NOT a *parrot*, but an *anteater*. Mixed that up since it´s been some years since I last watched the film, and, well, it´s a pirate movie, so I might be excused - pirates and parrots and all. X-D



It's okay. Polly in the movie is a lobster. :-p

It was me! I was the turkey all along!
